The Pensioneer Trustee Company (Guernsey) Limited


Seafarer Pensions for Shipping,
Cruise Lines & Oil Rigs

Why is the plan so well suited to shipping, cruise lines and oil crew?

These international schemes provide many advantages over traditional domestic pension schemes, especially seafarers. However, the lack of availability of domestic and international pension plans to seafarers has always been a limiting factor.

The International Pension Plan is designed to take advantage of specific Guernsey legislation but at the same time provide access to those wanting to make provision for their retirement needs. The Plan is established under Trust and allows the Trustee to accept individuals into the Plan as “members” under a corporate plan.

By taking advantage of sophisticated software – which is able to take on, process and service almost unlimited number of members – The International Pension Plan is able to offer access at a more reasonable cost.

Key features of the plan
  • Cost effective corporate international pension plan for seafarers
  • Available in GBP, EUR and USD
  • Online access, to all plan information including valuations, contribution details and factsheets 
  • Ability for employees to increase their pension contributions in addition to the employer contributions via payroll
  • Flexible options at retirement
  • Access from members 50th birthday
  • Provision of residual accumulated funds to the member’s dependents on their death
  • Access to professional investment management services and investment funds
  • Transferrable plan upon termination of service


Contact us

The Pensioneer Trustee Company (Guernsey) Limited
2nd Floor, Maison Trinity,
Rue du Pre, St Peter Port,
Guernsey, Channel Islands, GY1 1LT

Registered No.27891

+44 (0) 1481 743760

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Website Designed by The In-Marketing Partnership

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Regulatory Information

The Pensioneer Trustee Company (Guernsey) Limited is licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission under The Regulation of Fiduciaries, Administration Businesses and Company Directors, etc. (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020, as part of a Group of which PTC Fiduciaries Limited is the Primary Licensee and The Pensioneer Trustee Company (Guernsey) Limited is a Secondary Licensee and is permitted to carry on by way of business, regulated activities under s.2(1)(e) of the Law.